Sunday, December 5, 2010

Snow, Sun, and a Reality Check

So it's been snowing the past few days, which I'm majorly pumped for. I love snowboarding and Skiing so this is definitely a great time for me. I'll be hitting the slopes of 7 springs this coming weekend during the day, and I'll be DJing both nights this weekend.

And now for the sun: This past summer I was lucky enough to be involved with PghRX's Rehab on the Rooftop, which was a sick way to spend a sunday in the warm summer months. I brought my video camera and finally took some time to put a little sample together. Big shout out to all the DJ's that participated, and Digital Dave and Nugget for getting us all involved. Also, PghRX for putting it all together and Clique Vodka for coming through in a big way.

Let me know what you guys think about the video! Trying to improve wherever I can!

And on a more serious note, a good friend of mine Brandon "DJ Bonics" just got out of the hospital today, and I know I speak for our community of friends when I say Thank you, Lord. You can read more about it on Bonics' Blog Here. Thoughts an Prayers go out to him, and hopefully his story can help to inspire others.

Steelers vs Ravens tonight, it should be one heck of a game... But I'm sure we're all looking forward to seeing what Harrison's Tab will be at the end of the night!

Here We Go Steelers, Here We Go!
