Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blogging (pt.1)

OK so, it's been a while since the last post. I know, I know, I need to put more up more often. Well, I'm here to tell you today that that is soon going to happen. I've been doing a lot of thinking over the past few weeks, and over this past weekend it started to hit me: I have no 'Effin' clue what I'm doing! So I got down to it, and I've started thinking about ways to overhaul the WGL blog. I know, there isn't much here, but I've been browsing the web (like everyone else) and been thinking about other blogs and content that I'm interested in and maybe you are too? So I've thought about this: Why not ask you guys and girls? So here it is: What do you guys like to look at on the net? I'm open to all ideas because I want you to be able to connect to the site and see information on what you want to see! Idea's I've had so far:

Music - New Tracks/artists/bands/etc., Played out tracks, up and coming artists/tracks
Media - TV, Video Games, Websites, News, Gossip, Sports
Social - Who's out and about? Who's rocking the latest gear and what is it? What are you getting into? What's your favorite spot (Bar, Club, Gym, Park, Building, Coffee Shop)?

I'm a Pittsburgh guy through and through, so I'm sure that the beginnings of these sections/ideas will revolve around the city, but truth be told, this Blog was created with the intent to expand my horizons as well as provide entertainment for you all. Now I know the chances that someone outside of Pittsburgh is reading this, but if you are, First let me say Thank You, and second, Let your voice be heard!!!

Let me know what you guys think!!!!


  1. First off, glad to see the blog is coming back! Second, I think its amazing that you want the publics feedback. I was born in Pittsburgh...but I moved to NC for awhile. I'm back for now In the burgh and let me tell you, I missed it. Pittsburgh is the most diverse place I have been in, period. From seeing trendsetters walking around the cultural district to the typical business suit & tie eating lunch outside some cafe. From the deejays to the new & upcoming artists. This city has much to offer & so much talent along with potential. Hip-hop is as raw in Pittsburgh as it is Atlanta, and the arts here are amazing. So, I feel as there is much the public will offer as their voices start to be heard. Mike is starting a movement! : ) everyone should be apart of this.

  2. Take it for what it worth bro, but I started my blog on blogger and ended up moving over to wordpress due to better functionality and easier integration of media which it sounds like you're looking to do. Check it out. Hope it helps and that all is well.

  3. with a site this great, why would anyone have any desire to search other pages!?
